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Climate Risk Assessment of the Niger River Basin Sustainable Development Action Plan PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 21 January 2015 16:01

The Niger Basin Authority (NBA) and the World Bank have undertaken a joint initiative to assess the risks from climate change to the performance of NBA’s Strategic Development Action Plan (SDAP), adopted in 2008 by the Heads of State and Government of the 9 member countries of the NBA.  The aim of this initiative is to build resilience to climate risks into the SDAP.
This World Bank Study is supported by grants from (i) the Bank-Netherlands Partnership Program (BNPP) Trust Fund, (ii) the Trust Fund for Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development (TFESSD) funded by Finland and Norway, (iii) the Norwegian Trust Fund (NTF), and (iv) the Trust Fund for Integrated Land and Water Management for Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change (ILWAC) funded by Denmark. The study was managed by Amal Talbi, Catherine Tovey and Emmanuel Nikiema (AFTWR).  Hilaire Doffou, Regional Coordinator WRDSEM Program, was responsible for the coordination with the NBA team.
The Bank mobilized a study team to develop the methodology and carry out the study, comprising Johan Grijsen (Team Leader); Dr. Casey Brown, Yonas Ghile and Ümit Taner, Hydrosystems Research Group (HRG) of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (USA); Dr. Andover Tarhule, University of Oklahoma, Norman (USA), and Aminou Tassiou (Niger). The NBA team consisted of Dr. Abdou Guero, Technical Director NBA, Robert Y. Dessouassi, Head of the Niger Basin Observatory, Soungalo Kone, Modeling Expert at NBA and Bréhima Coulibaly, Regional Coordinator IWRM-2 Project. This Main (Summary) Report on the Climate Risk Assessment for the Sustainable Development Action program for the Niger Basin was prepared by Johan Grijsen. Part of this work has also been published in Ghile et al (2014), Grijsen et al (2013) and Tarhule et al (2014).

Download the Final Report presented in five volumes:
- Volume 1: Main Report
- Volume 2: Water Resources Profile and Historical Climate Variability
- Volume 3: Water Demands  and Climate Change Impacts on Rainfed Agriculture
- Volume 4: Hydrological and Water Resources System Modeling of the NRB and economic analysis of SDAP
- Volume 5:  Climate and Runoff Projections and Climate Risk Assessment