Study on advanced modeling of impacts on ecosystem services in the Niger Inner Delta (NID) |
Tuesday, 02 June 2015 13:54 |
Project N° P149714: Niger River Basin Management Project Consultancy Service: Study on advanced modeling of impacts on ecosystem services in the Niger Inner Delta (NID)
13.   The Niger Basin Authority (NBA) has received a grant from the International Development Association (IDA) acting as Administrator of the Multi-Donor Trust Fund on Cooperation in International Waters in Africa (CIWA) to finance the "Niger River Basin Management Project". 14.   The NBA is intending to use part of the grant for consulting services related to the study on advanced modelling of the impacts of infrastructure development upstream the NID on ecosystem services in the NID. The study will be structured around the following three major phases: (i) scoping; (ii) hydrodynamic modelling and (iii) development of a model to assess ecosystem and livelihood services. 15.   The objectives of this study are to: -   provide the NBA and its Member States with a model to better characterize and understand the functioning of the NID (both at environmental and socio-economic levels), and especially its responses to the phenomena of flood and flood recession and to anthropogenic factors that may influence it; and enable the NBA to use this tool in the future; -   provide useful information for decision making by the member countries of the Niger Basin Authority (NBA), especially by the Governments of Guinea and Mali, regarding trade-offs around the design and operation parameters of hydraulic works or activities interacting with the NID (eg Fomi dam and irrigation development in the Office du Niger); -   train NBA staff to operate and use the model. 16.   The duration of the assignment is eighteen (18) months, overall. 17.   The Niger Basin Authority (NBA) is hereby calling for expressions of interest from eligible applicants including consulting firms with proven experience in areas related to the services described above. 18.   Consultants may associate specifying the leader. 19.   Consultants must have experience in: a.   development and field calibration of hydrodynamic and socio-economic models taking into account ecosystem services; b.   Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) on the scale of a transboundary river basin and its technical aspects. 20.   Experience in Sub-Saharan Africa is an asset. 21.   Consultants shall be able to work in French and English, the two working languages of the NBA. 22.   Interested consultants must provide relevant information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar fields and conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.). 23.   One consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures defined in the Guidelines "Selection and Employment of Consultants by the Borrowers of the World Bank under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Donations" of January 2011, revised July 2014. 24.   Expressions of interest must be submitted to the Executive Secretariat of the NBA to the address below under the reference No. 02/2015/ABN/PGBFN no later than JULY 7, 2015 at 5:00 pm local time.
NBA Executive Secretariat P.O. Box: 729 Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 20 31 50 36 +227 20 31 50 36 / 20 72 31 02 20 72 31 02 Fax: +227 20 72 42 08 e-mail :
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