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Niger Basin Observatory

A new creation, the Niger Basin Observatory must be integrated into the organization of the NBA as  a complementary operational structure to the Technical Directorate with which it is important to ensure that there is no overlap of activities and prerogatives.

Mission 1: Monitor the evolution of the Basin in its different components
The Observatory aims to monitor the basin in its hydrological and environmental (natural as well as human environment) and also socio-economic aspects.
To fulfill this mission, this structure will have to collect, format, process and store data on these aspects.

Some of these data will be directly produced by other structures of the NBA and the projects that have all as goal - in the area that is their raison d'ĂȘtre - to collect, process and produce technical information. The Niger HYCOS even have its own website for the dissemination of hydrological data that it has helped to collect and process.
Same should be the case for the ADB project on silting and other upcoming projects. The Observatory will therefore have “in house” specific data made reliable and processed, that it will be possible to “rework” so as to integrate them into a broader context.

Mission 2: Produce regular information on the development of the basin
This structure cannot have as aim to observe in the sole purpose of accumulating and storing data. That is why the Observatory should develop further the skills needed to analyze the data collected and implement a system to disseminate useful information to both policy makers and economic operators and development stakeholders.
This information must relate to different aspects of hydrology and environment in a sustainable socio-economic development viewpoint.