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Technical Directorate

The Technical Directorate ensures the implementation and monitoring of studies and projects within the framework of a planned process ....
This directorate is responsible for the implementation of the Authority’s technical activities o (planning and monitoring of projects, studies, ..). It is headed by a Technical Director and comprises of two divisions:

A Planning and Studies Division which is in charge of conducting:
-the planning of the Sustainable Development Action Plan (SDAP) of the Basin and planning of actions ensuring the coherence and complementarity of development projects and regional development;
-the studies prior to the development of new projects whose execution may be subsequently assigned to the NBA or subcontracted to external consultants;
-the use of hydraulic modeling tools (simulation model of the basin’s flows) and economic (optimization and profit sharing) as a tool to assist policy making;
-the harmonization studies of development policies and laws of the Basin.

The Operations Division is in charge of:
-facilitating the implementation of past agreements with the NBA;
-monitoring “external” projects  (ADB, GEF) and directly managing projects where the NBA is providing counterpart staff (Niger HYCOS);
-monitoring and facilitating the activities of National Focal Structures;
-leading and facilitating the involvement of civil society.