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Capacity Building Programme (CBP-CIDA) PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 12 March 2012 11:55

The CBP/CIDA is a project for the institutional and organizational capacity building set up to increase the NBA’s ability to take fast action. By capacity, the NBA means “the set of skills, capabilities, concepts, values, relationships, behaviors, motivations, resources and conditions that enable individuals, organizations, networks, sectors and broader social systems to meet the functions and achieve their development objectives over time”.

The programme stems from the organizational and institutional audit conducted in 2005. This audit has identified nine (9) areas for capacity building of the NBA:
Strengthen the administrative system by developing effective tools and accounting and financial management;
Improve the leadership and management capacity;

Improve the management of human resources to make it more professional and motivating;

Develop the legal framework for the NBA so as to predict conflicts and secure collective works in the service of Member countries;

Establish an information and communication system to ensure a better visibility of the NBA at the intervention space, while contributing to improving the atmosphere for cooperation within the organization;
Develop technical expertise within the NBA that can provide advice and guidance to Member countries on the hydraulic, river, environmental issues;
Monitoring and evaluation as a management tool to better determine and report the mandate entrusted to it effectively;
Capacity building within the National Focal Structures;
Capacity building and organization of civil societies.

This capacity building programme for the NBA was originally designed for three (03) years for a total of CANS$ 13,741,895 (2007-2009). Due to lack of funding, the programme could not start in 2007. In 2008, at the round table of donors in Niamey, CIDA committed to fund the programme to the tune of CAN$ 7,750,000.

A first phase of fifteen (15) months for CAN$ 2,425,000 was conducted over the period from January 2009 to June 2010.
The successful evaluation of this test phase allowed the NBA to receive funding from CIDA to continue the programme from July 2010-June 2014.                                                            As part of the implementation of the programme, obligations in terms of accountability, expectations of the beneficiaries, and the management bodies of the programme were determined.

Comprehensive approach:

The CBP/CIDA management approach focuses on the active empowerment of beneficiaries both in the NBA and the Member countries. It is also based on the principles of cooperation between the various financial partners of the NBA for a better synergy in supporting the implementation of capacity building activities.                                                                       The overall approach will define the need for close connection between NBA, NFS, NCU to strengthen their capacity.

Roles and Responsibilities of stakeholders

•    Provide financial resources for the implementation of programme activities;
•    Participate in various technical and decision bodies and other bodies of the NBA;
•    Monitor the implementation.
Regional Steering Committee (RSC):
• Review financial and technical reviews of the implementation of activities in the current period;
• Examine the AWP and budget of the Executive Secretariat and all projects/programmes of the NBA for the period ahead;
• Make recommendations to the ES/NBA on the activities listed in the AWP and related budgets;
• Prepare the session of the Council of Ministers.
Report to Ministers on the status of implementation of NBA projects and programmes for the elapsed time and the programme of activities for the following year.
CBP-CIDA Monitoring Committee:
Chaired by the Executive Secretary or the Technical Director who has been delegated, the operation committee is composed of the Heads of components and members of the coordinating unit. Operation Monitoring Committee meets once a month to
• validate the work plan and the annual budget prepared by the Coordinating Unit;
• Monitor the implementation of project activities;
• assess the level of implementation of activities (per month) and results (quarterly);
• Review and approve the activity reports.
The meetings of the Operation Monitoring Committee shall be prepared by the project coordinating unit.
Coordinating Unit of the Programme:
The coordinating unit of the project is comprised of the Project Coordinator, Monitoring and Evaluation Expert, Procurement Expert, Communication Expert, Administrative and Financial Assistant. Chaired by the Project Coordinator, the unit meets regularly to:
• Monthly assess the status of implementation of the activities planned in the AWP;
• Assess the level of quarterly results achieved.
• Prepare the tasks of the operation monitoring committee of the project;
• Develop the annual work plans and budgets relating thereto;
Presents the AWP to the NBA steering committee.
Heads of components:
•    Implementation of various programme activities.
•    Development of various quarterly, semiannual and annual reports.
• Ensure, in connection with departments concerned, the coordination, supervision, implementation and monitoring of programmes and projects of the NBA;
• Ensure the implementation of information and communication programme of the NBA;
• Provide administrative and financial management of the resources at his disposal in the projects and programmes of the NBA;
• Ensure the participation of all national structures in the NBA activities;
• Ensure good consideration of national concerns in NBA regional projects;
Participate in regular meetings and Steering Committees of projects of the NBA.


• Promote dialogue between stakeholders regarding the sustainable development in the basin, at local, national and regional levels (food security, achieving the Millennium Development Goals on water, poverty, health, education ...);
• Strengthen the capacity of stakeholders, users of natural resources both locally, nationally and regionally (their ability to mobilize, organize, advocacy, sustainable action, etc).
CIDA Support bureau / consulting firm:

Assist the NBA in the design, implementation and monitoring of programme activities.