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Monday, 04 July 2016 09:35

The regional workshop to review and validate the Concept Note of Phase 2 of the Water Resources Development and Sustainable Ecosystems Management Programme of the Niger Basin (WRDSEMP APL2B) was held on 27, 28 and 29 June 2016, in the Palm Beach Hotel in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
In attendance were:
-The representatives of NBA member countries;
-The Regional Coordinating Unit of Users of the Niger River Basin’s Natural Resources (RCU);
-The National Coordinating Unit of Users of the Niger River Basin’s Natural Resources (NCU) of Burkina Faso;
-The representative of the World Bank;
-The representatives of the following structures:
•The Regional Action Centre for Rural Development (CARDER), National Implementing Agency of WRDSEMP APL1 (NIA) of Bénin;
•The Executing Agency of Infrastructure Works and Rural Equipment (AGETIER), NIA of Mali;
•The General Directorate of Rural Engineering (DGGR), NIA of Niger;
•    The Project Management Unit of Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN/PMU), NIA of Nigeria and Mainstream Energy Solution Limited (MESL), Nigeria; and
-    Executives of the NBA Executive Secretariat.
The opening ceremony was chaired by Mr. Amidou SAVADOGO, Technical Adviser, representing the Minister for Water and Sanitation, NBA Supervising Minister in Burkina Faso. It was marked by three (03) interventions.
A ceremony on the acknowledgement of the actions of Mr. Emmanuel NIKIEMA was held to thank him for his personal commitment and cooperation for the success of the WRDSEM Programme. The ceremony was marked by: (i) a film projection made in his honour and (ii) the giving of a token of satisfaction and a plaque, symbolic gift of NBA.
The workshop commended the NBA Executive Secretariat and the Regional Coordination of WRDSEMP for the quality of the presentation and the Concept Note submitted to its review and validation. However, the workshop made observations and comments on the substance so as to contribute to the improvement of the Concept Note.
After deliberations, the proposed institutional framework was validated. It was agreed that this framework and the roles of the various stakeholders involved in the Programme implementation will be refined during the preparatory phase.  
After deliberations, the workshop formulated the following recommendations:

Recommendation no.1: on the reallocation of any unutilized funds of WRDSEMP APL 1 for the preparation of WRDSEMP APL 2B
-Based on the need to facilitate the preparatory process of APL 2B which, as agreed during the launching of APL 1 in 2007, shall cover all the nine (9) member countries,
The workshop recommends that the NBA Executive Secretariat should address a request to the World Bank in view of reallocating any unutilized funds of WRDSEMP APL 1 of Benin (IDA 43420), Mali (IDA 43430), Niger (IDA H3200) and Nigeria (IDA 43480) for the preparation of WRDSEMP APL 2B.
The Agreement of the authorized Minister of each beneficiary country regarding the use of these funds to speed up the preparation of WRDSEMP APL 2B will be attached to this request.  

Recommendation no.2: on the transmission of actions recorded in APL 2B to the NBA Executive Secretariat by member countries no later than 15th July 2016
-In order to avoid repeating on APL 2B, activities  that have been subject to funding on one hand, and eventual duplications of PIDACC/NB, on the other;
The workshop recommends that NFS/NBA should forward the reviewed actions to be reflected in the Concept Note to the NBA Executive Secretariat by a letter from the Supervising Minister, not later than 15th July 2016. These proposed actions must be from the OP/CRIP as adopted by the 11th Summit of the NBA Heads of State and Government. After this deadline, the proposed actions in the Concept Note will be maintained for the next steps of the process.

Group picture of participants at the workshop.

Presentation of the token of acknowledgement and satisfaction by the Exeutive Secretay to Mr. Emmanual NIKIEMA, TTL at the World Bank.

Giving of the plaque by the Technical Adviser of the NBA Supervising Minister of Burkina Faso to Mr. Emmanual NIKIEMA, TTL at the World Bank.

Recruitment Notice of Monitoring-Evaluation Regional Expert and the Regional Procurement Expert PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 09 December 2015 07:45

Monitoring-Evaluation Regional Expert

Description: Under the supervision of the Regional Coordinator of the Water Resources Development Programme and Sustainable Ecosystems Management of the Niger river basin (WRDPSEM) and of the Niger River Basin Management Project (NRBMP), you will implement the monitoring and evaluation procedures (M & E) defined in the M & E manuals of the WRDPSEM and guidelines contained in the WRDPSEM and NRBMP Implementation Manual. You will control the various activities in these areas in connection with the NBA National Focal Structures (NFS / NBA), the National Implementation Agencies (NIA) and other experts of the Management and Coordination Unit

Regional Procurement Expert
Description: Under the supervision of the Regional Coordinator of the Water Resources Development Programme and Sustainable Ecosystems Management in the Niger river basin (WRDPSEM) and of the Niger River Basin Management Project (NRBMP), you will implement procurement procedures defined in the WRDPSEM and NRBMP implementation manuals, the WRDPSEM and NBA procurement manuals and guidelines contained in the WRDPSEM implementation manual. You will pilot various activities in these areas in accordance with the World Bank Guidelines and in conjunction with the NBA National Focal Structures (NIA / NBA), the National Implementation Agencies (NSA) the National Implementation Agencies (NIA) and other experts of the Management and Coordination Unit.

Vacancies are based at NBA’s head office in Niamey/Republic of Niger
Candidates must be nationals of NBA Member States (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Nigeria et Chad).

Download the Recruitment Notice of Monitoring-Evaluation Regional Expert and  the Regional Procurement Expert

Recruitment Notice of the Assistant Accountant PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 09 December 2015 07:44

Description: Under the responsibility and supervision of the WRDPSEM and NRBMP Regional Account-ant, you will bring the necessary support in terms of accounting and financial management of the pro-jects.

Vacancies are based at NBA’s head office in Niamey/Republic of Niger
Candidates must be nationals of NBA Member States (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Nigeria and Chad).

Download the Recruitment Notice Accountant Assistant

Monday, 14 September 2015 11:48
There are no translations available.

Le Gouvernement de la République de Guinée bénéficie d’un Don de l’Association Internationale de Développement (IDA) pour financer des activités du « Programme de Développement des Ressources en Eau et de Gestion Durable des Ecosystèmes dans le Bassin du Fleuve Niger » (Programme DREGDE). L’une de ces activités, conduites en collaboration avec l’Autorité du Bassin du Niger (ABN), est l’actualisation des études environnementales et sociales du Barrage de Fomi en Guinée conduites entre 2007 et 2009. Depuis 2006, le barrage de Fomi est étudié dans le cadre régional de la Vision Partagée du Bassin du Niger animé par l’Autorité du Bassin du Niger. Le barrage de Fomi est le barrage situé le plus en amont dans le Bassin du Niger et a, à ce titre, une capacité de régulation importante. Il a des impacts transfrontaliers notables, notamment au Mali voisin de la Guinée. Il est envisagé que sa gestion permette une maximisation des bénéfices, notamment transfrontaliers.

Les manifestations d’intérêt écrites doivent être rédigées en français et déposées, sous enveloppes cachetées et scellées, contenant trois (3) copies et une (1) Originale à la Direction Nationale des Marchés Publics  Immeuble  Kanfarandé Quartier Coronthie  Commune de Kaloum  Coté Gouvernorat Guinée/Conakry Tel : (224) 21 70 76/631 85 26 66, au plus tard le 06 septembre 2015 à 10 heures précises (heure locale GMT) délai de rigueur avec la mention : MANIFESTATION D’INTERET POUR L’ACTUALISATION DES ETUDES ENVIRONNEMENTALES ET SOCIALES DU PROJET DE BARRAGE A BUTS MULTIPLES DE FOMI.

L’ouverture des manifestations d’intérêts est fixée au 13 Octobre 2015 à 12 heures (heure locale GMT) dans la Salle de Réunion de la Direction Nationale des Marchés Publics, Immeuble Kanfarandé Quartier Coronthie Commune de Kaloum, Coté Gouvernorat Guinée/Conakry Tel : (224) 21 70 76//631 85 26 66

Télécharger l'avis de sollicitation de manifestations d'interêts

Tuesday, 02 June 2015 14:11

Project N° P149714: Niger River Basin Management Project
Consultancy Service: Technical Assistance to the Niger Basin Authority

13.    The Niger Basin Authority (NBA) has a grant from the International Development Association (IDA) acting as Director of the Special Multi-Donor Trust Fund within the Trust Fund on Cooperation in International Waters in Africa (CIWA) to finance the "Niger River Basin Management Project".
14.    The NBA is intending to use part of the grant for consulting services within the framework of technical assistance for the implementation of the actions of the three key areas of the project that are: (i) sustainable financing of the NBA; (ii) development and preparation of the implementation of Annex No. 2 of the Water Charter of the Niger Basin and (iii) technical assistance in the monitoring of studies and process of decision making regarding Fomi multipurpose dam project in Guinea.
15.    The objectives of this technical assistance will focus on the following three key areas:
d.    The sustainable financing of the NBA
This is to help the NBA to develop and operationalize a financing mechanism of its activities through a levy on hydroelectricity.
e.    Development and implementation of Annex No 2 of the Water Charter of the Niger Basin
The objective is to help finalize and implement Annex No. 2 of the Water Charter of the Niger Basin on Water Regulations for a coordinated management of large dams in the Niger basin.
f.    Assistance in the monitoring of studies and process of decision making regarding the Fomi multipurpose dam project
The objective is to assist the stakeholders of Fomi Dam Project in: (i) the conduct, quality control, and use of the results of the studies which determine the feasibility, configuration, and institutional and financial arrangements of the Fomi multipurpose dam Project; (ii) the process of decision making related thereto and (iii) the establishment of effective conditions of feasibility.
16.    The duration of the mission is four (4) years not on end.
17.    The Niger Basin Authority (NBA) hereby calls for expressions of interest, eligible applicants including consulting firms with proven experience in areas related to the services described above.
18.    The Consultants may submit through a consortium, pointing out therefore who is the leader.
19.    Consultants should have experience covering:
a.    the decision support and intermediation between technical and non-technical stakeholders, in the context of major infrastructure projects with multi-actors dimension;
b.    large dams environmental and social technical studies;
c.    organizations funding mechanisms, taxation in terms of hydroelectric power;
d.    Integrated Management of water resources (IMWR) at the scale of a transboundary watershed in its technical, institutional and legal aspects;
e.    modeling cascading dams in the basin.
20.    Experience in Sub-Saharan Africa is an asset.
21.    The consulting firms will necessarily be able to work in French and English that are the two working languages of the NBA.
22.    Interested consultants are requested to provide relevant information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (documentation, description of similar assignments, experience in similar fields and conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.).
23.    A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures defined in the Guidelines "Selection and Employment of Consultants by the Borrowers of the World Bank under the IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Donations" of January 2011, revised in July 2014.
24.    The expressions of interest should be submitted to the Executive Secretariat of the NBA to the addresses indicated below under the reference No. 01/2015/ABN/NRBM-P later than JULY 7, 2015 at 5:00 pm, local time.

NBA Executive Secretariat
P.O. Box: 729 Niamey, Niger
Tel: +227 20 31 50 36+227 20 31 50 36
Fax: +227 20 72 42 08
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
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