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The Rehabilitation of Public Irrigated Perimeters Project (PRPIP) PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 27 January 2021 15:34

The Rehabilitation of Public Irrigated Perimeters Project (PRPIP) in Niger, coordinated by Mr. Robert Désiré BELIBI TSALA, also Socio-Economist Expert at the NBA is a project funded by the Federal Republic of Germany through the KfW for a global cost of 21.5 million euros or 14,102,370,000 FCFA. The project aims to rehabilitate 10 Public Irrigated Perimeters (PIP) with an area of 2532 ha in the regions of Tillabéry and Dosso
The NBA is the Project Owner, the Delegate Owner is the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Niger. The project in its first phase lasting 5 (five) years carried out a capitalization study whose achievements and experiences are contained in this infomercial.

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Thursday, 07 August 2014 10:21

The overall objective assigned to PRPIP is to increase the income of beneficiary populations and to contribute to improve food security in the country.

The specific objective of PRPIP is to sustainably increase agricultural production and productivity of the small agricultural exploitations of public irrigated perimeters (PIPs).

To actually attain this objective, the main measures to be implemented within the framework of the first phase of PRPIP, with a realization schedule running over 5 years, include: (i) the rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructures at the level of a total of 8 PIP for a total area of about 2,530 ha developed and a total number of about 8,150 land plot exploitation beneficiaries; (ii) the support to beneficiaries  and to their organizations (mainly agricultural or even rice farming cooperatives) in various key domains like the exploitation, the looking after and maintenance of irrigated schemes, water management, and the organizational and financial management of irrigation schemes; (iii) the support to the contracting authority and delegated work for the benefit of  all concerned institutions.

NBA is both the beneficiary of KfW’s financial contribution and the PRPIP project owner. It is represented by its Executive Secretariat and it signed the financing agreement with KfW.

The PRPIP owner agent is ensured by the MAL through the Rural Engineering General Directorate (DGGR), and within that structure the Directorate of Land Development, Water Mobilization and Irrigation (DATMEI). Among the other participating institutions it is worth to name, first, the National Office of Hydro-agricultural Schemes (ONAHA), the Federation of Rice Producer Cooperatives’ Associations (FUCOPRI) and other related specialized organizations, including relating service providers from the private sector.

During the assessment of PRPIP, NBA, the DGGR and KfW agreed that for a good preparation and implementation of PRPIP, as well as for its adequate monitoring and evaluation, it would be necessary to hire a consulting engineer firm specialized in the above mentioned fields. This will help in mobilizing a multidisciplinary team including international, national, and regional experts. Thus, a consulting engineer firm meant to provide those services was hired following an international call for bids issued by NBA and the DGGR.

The specific mission assigned to the consulting engineer is to provide all specialized and supplementary support needed by both the PMCU and the Technical Advisor (TA) to ensure the smooth running of the programme and, therefore, the achievement of the expected specific and global objectives of the programme.

The main service of the consulting engineering is spread over five (05) years and it includes the setting up a multidisciplinary team made up of the following: (1) one mission leader, an international rural engineering expert; (2) two national/regional experts in rural engineering and users training / organizational and institutional development; (3) a team in charge of the realization of DED studies (national / regional experts: civil engineer; hydraulics expert; environmental specialist; topographer; draughtsman etc.); (4) a team of national and regional experts for work supervision; and (5) a pool of international and national / regional experts from different domains for short-term missions; and (6) a support staff team.

Coordinator: Mr Belibi Désiré TSALA