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Projet Appui ABN - GIZ
Transboundary water resource management in the Niger basin PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 08 March 2022 14:27

The challenge:The Niger basin is the largest in western Africa and the Niger is Africa’s third longest river (4,200 km). The drainage basin is 2,117,700 km2 in area (ten times as large as the Rhine basin), is spread over nine countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Niger und Nigeria) and is home to more than 160 million people. High population growth combined with the impact of climate change and changes in land use are putting increasing pressure on the water resources, which are already unevenly distributed. Poor people are particularly affected by these developments that put their human right to food and water at risk.
Our approach: The aim of the project is to support member states in the sustainable and cooperative management and development of water resources in the Niger basin based on shared principles and joint strategies. The Niger Basin Authority (NBA), which was created for this purpose, will therefore be supported by the project in the form of capacity development to enable it to play an effective role in managing transboundary water resources.

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Newsletter n°1 - February 2017 PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 20 March 2017 10:59

For many years, the German Co-operation supports the NBA through GIZ, its agency of execution, for the finalization and implementation of the Water Charter and its annexes. These instruments, adopted by the nine Member States, define the operational methods for sustainable management and sharing of the water resources of the river basin.
The GIZ Project “Support to the NBA”, period 2016-2018, primarily consists of developing two essential instruments:
- The planning and monitoring-assessment of the programs and projects of the NBA, including the development of an objective oriented programme budget (OPB), in accordance with the decision n°1 of the 11th Summit of the Heads of State held on January 8th, 2016;
- A quality insurance mechanism for environmental and social impact assessments (ESIAs) with transboundary impacts of the projects, so that the NBA can fully play its responsible role of these ESIAs which was conferred to it through the decision n°1 of the 9th Summit of the Heads of State of September 16th, 2010.

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Projet Appui ABN - GIZ PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 20 March 2017 10:56
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La Coopération Allemande au Développement appuie l’ABN depuis 2007 dans le renforcement des capacités au niveau organisationnel et institutionnel. Le volume total planifier est de 7,5 millions d’EUR. L’ABN a ainsi pu développer, avec l’aide entre autre de la GIZ, la Charte de l’Eau qui a depuis été approuvée par l’ensemble des Etats membres. Elle dispose également depuis le dernier Conseil des Ministres (septembre 2011), d’une annexe environnementale. Le projet « Appui à l’ABN » est organisé de manière transversale en appuyant de façon structurante l’ABN et en intervenant en collaboration dans d’autres projets et programmes de la coopération internationale technique et financière.