Tuesday, 15 March 2022 15:06 |
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Dans le cadre de la CoopĂ©ration Technique Allemande, lâAutoritĂ© du Bassin du Niger (ABN) et lâInstitut FĂ©dĂ©ral des GĂ©osciences et des Ressources Naturelles (BGR) ont conjointement mis en place le Projet « Appui Ă la Gestion des Eaux Souterraines dans le Bassin du Niger (AGES) ». Le but du projet est de renforcer les capacitĂ©s techniques et les ressources humaines de lâABN et ses Ă©tats membres pour amĂ©liorer la gestion transfrontaliĂšre des ressources en eaux souterraines dans le bassin du Niger. Il convient en outre, de rappeler que la deuxiĂšme phase du projet intervient dans un contexte de mise en Ćuvre du Plan opĂ©rationnel 2016-2024 intĂ©grant le Plan dâinvestissement de lâABN adoptĂ© par le 11Ăšme Sommet des Chefs dâEtat et du Gouvernement de lâABN le 8 janvier 2016 Ă Cotonou en RĂ©publique du BĂ©nin. Dans sa phase 3, lâaccent est mis sur le renforcement des capacitĂ©s en mettant en place le rĂ©seau des jeunes hydrogĂ©ologues pour une intĂ©gration des connaissances des eaux souterraines. Les membres de ce rĂ©seau recevront une sĂ©rie de formations consĂ©quentes pour prendre en charge le suivi des eaux souterraines dans leur pays. Une cohĂ©rence dâactions pertinentes du projet avec le Plan opĂ©rationnel et des synergies avec dâautres initiatives en cours dans le bassin va donc ĂȘtre assurĂ©e Ă travers le plan dâaction du projet. LâABN et ses pays membres accordent un grand intĂ©rĂȘt Ă ce projet qui devra permettre une meilleure connaissance des ressources en eaux souterraines du bassin en vue de leur gestion durable et pour lâadaptation au changement climatique. Le projet a dĂ©jĂ contribuĂ© substantiellement Ă ancrer les principes de la gestion durable des eaux souterraines au sein de lâABN et dans les Ătats membres. Les eaux de surface et les eaux souterraines sont des Ă©lĂ©ments interagissant dâun bassin versant. Cependant, la connaissance des eaux souterraines est essentielle pour le bilan hydraulique et permet de mieux Ă©valuer le cadre Ă©conomique et Ă©cologique du bassin versant du fleuve Niger.
Télécharger la fiche d'information du Projet AGES
Wednesday, 13 February 2019 15:39 |
This training manual is the product of two specific policy visions. The first is derived from one of the pillars of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM): that all water should be managed as a unitary resource within hydrological basin boundaries. The second relates to the obvious transboundary nature of water as rivers flow from one country to the next. International development cooperation in the water sector is therefore increasingly supporting transboundary cooperation mechanisms. Although groundwater has not been excluded from these policy visions, its integration into river basin management organizations and appreciation of the transboundary nature of groundwater flows have lagged behind. This is a product of both the complexity of the groundwater resource and its âinvisibilityâ to the public eye. As a result, many African multi-state basin organizations do not even have a mandate to manage transboundary groundwater or coordinate its management between the basin states. Even where such a mandate does exist, many of these basin organizations have limited capacity to do so. As a result of these conditions, BGR / AGW-Net / IWMI carried out a âneeds assessment for  transboundary groundwater managementâ in nine international river basin organizations in Africa1. This survey revealed the varying needs in the different basin organizations for effective  transboundary groundwater management. This training manual has been complied in response to the needs expressed and is designed to help develop capacity within the basin organizations to manage their transboundary groundwater issues.
The topics covered range from policy and legislation, through bio-physical resource issues to communication and stakeholder relations. Much of the material in this manual is also relevant for internal national basin organizations.
Editor: Dr. Richard Owen Africa Groundwater Network.
Download the training manual NB: User name: ages / Password: ages2019 |
Wednesday, 30 January 2019 17:04 |
The AGES (NBA/BGR) project is presenting the first edition of its bulletin on groundwater in the Niger Basin. The existing data on the actual situation of groundwater resources at catchment scale are incomplete, non-structured, and they are by far a solid foundation for its sustainable management. To tackle the above cited problems, the Niger Basin Authority (NBA) and the German Federal Institute of Geoscience and Natural Resources (BGR), within the framework of the German Technical Cooperation are jointly implementing the Project âSupport for Groundwater Management in the Niger Basin (AGES)â.
Download the Bulletin |