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The history of NBA
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In the 1960s, the independent countries of the Niger Basin decided to coordinate their efforts in order to exploit the natural resources of the basin, among which water is the first.
The Niamey Act related to Navigation and economic Cooperation between the countries of the Niger Basin was signed on October 26, 1963 and was replaced by Niamey Agreement related to the River Niger Commission and to Navigation and transportation on the Niger River which was signed on November 25, 1964. The Commission of the Niger River was renamed the Niger Basin Authority on November 21, 1980.

The member Countries are: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Nigeria and Chad.

Mission: The NBA is an inter-governmental organization responsible for promoting cooperation amongst Member states and contributing to improve the living conditions of the basin populations through sustainable management of water resources and associated ecosystems

Vision: The NBA has the ambition to be recognized as an and transparent , appreciated for its capacities to reinforce the solidarity between the Member States and to generate some benefits that affect the populations.

Values: Commitment- Impartiality - Transparency and integrity Professionalism Team spirit.

The legal framework :
The legal framework is constituted by some statutory texts among which the main ones are :
- The revised Convention on the creation of the Niger Basin Authority on October 29, 1987;
- The Agreement of Headquarters between the Government of the Republic of Niger and the Niger Basin Authority on September 1982 to facilitate the execution of the missions assigned to the NBA and set the privileges and immunities granted to the Authority and to its staff;
- The Improved Status of the Personnel;
- The Internal Regulations and the Code of Ethics;
- Books of Account and Financial Procedures;
- The Financial Settlement;
- The rules for signing contracts ;
- The Water Charter of the Niger Basin;
- Annex 1 of the Water Charter on the protection of the Environment.

The Institutional Framework:
Is composed of the statutory organs of the Niger Basin Authority which are:
- The Summit of the Heads of State and Government;
- The Council of Ministers supported by the Technical Committee of Experts;
- The Executive Secretariat ;
- The National Focal Structure.

The competencies and the modalities of the functioning of each of these organs are set by the Revised Convention on the creation of NBA.

Headquarters: Niamey--Niger

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It is co-funded by the     ADF Funds of the African Development Bank (AfDB), the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), NBA member countries, the Executive Secretariat and beneficiary populations. It was designed to meet the serious sustainable development problems facing the natural resources, notably the silting of the Niger basin threatening all the basin’s agroforestry and pastoral productions. Its first phase started in 2005 for a period of five years and ended on 31st December 2012. The total budget of the Programme is of about CFAF 22,907,271,460.
The Programme includes three main components: (A) the Development of a Silting Control Master Plan for the entire Niger Basin; (B) Institutional capacity building for both NBA and its member countries; (C) priority protection and silting control actions in three countries (Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger).
The implementation of the first phase helped to claim and restore, on a participatory basis, 38,100 hectares of degraded land for 34,720 hectares planned, contributing thus in obtaining environmental advantages globally through the conduct of local actions based on land and water integrated management strategies, which helped in making changes to sectoral policies and actions while promoting sustainable development. It also helped in developing and adopting a Regional Silting Control Master Plan for the entire basin, together with an Investment Programme and an Action Plan integrated in the Niger Basin Sustainable Development Action Plan (SDAP) which was adopted by Heads of State and Government, and building the capacities of more than 164 NBA and member countries’ executives and technicians in designing and monitoring projects and programmes.

The 1st phase of the Programme ended on 31st December 2012, with the effective achievement of more than 100% of the expected results and the full attainment of all major indicators. In addition, some of the physical, environmental and socioeconomic effects and impacts of the Programme are visible both at the level of NBA and on the field. The WAEMU Commission is financing a 2013-2015 Action Plan estimated at CFAF 2,635,875,000 so as to consolidate those important gains achieved during the Phase 1. This raises the total budget of the Programme being implemented to CFA F 25,542,271,460.
Considering the results and gains of this first pilot phase, a much more important Programme covering all the nine (09) NBA member countries is being developed. It is called Programme for Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Niger Basin (PIDACC/NB). A concept note has already been developed and submitted to the other NBA partners. The Programme was designed based on the conclusions of the Niger Basin Silting Control Master Plan adopted by the NBA Heads of State and Government.
This shows, sufficiently enough, the involvement of the Highest Authorities in this noble and exalting mission, which consists in “controlling the degradation of the ecosystems in the Basin, regenerating degraded lands, protecting biodiversity which is of global importance, increasing agricultural production, combating poverty and  strengthening the resilience of populations to  climate changes.”

Project Coordinator: Colonel Seyni Seydou

Integrated water resources management in the Niger River Basin / BMZ

Since 2007, the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has been supporting NBA through its Technical and Financial Cooperation.

During the last intergovernmental negotiations, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany allocated, within the framework of future multilateral and through the German financial cooperation (FC), a total amount of 21 million Euros. The Niger Basin Authority (NBA) could be the beneficiary of that amount for the financing of the following two projects: the “River Niger Protection” project for a maximum of 10 million euros and the “Sustainable Irrigation for Small Farmers in the Republic of Niger” project for a maximum amount of 11 million euros.

The German Cooperation for Development (GIZ) has been supporting NBA since 2007 in building its organizational and institutional capacities. The total amount planned is of 7.5 million euros. Hence, with the support of GIZ, NBA has been able to develop, among other things, the Water Charter which was long ago approved by all NBA member countries. Also, NBA has an environmental annex since the last Council of Ministers (September 2011). The “Support to NBA” project is organized in a crosscutting manner in supporting NBA in a structuring way and in working in collaboration with other projects and programmes of the technical and financial international cooperation.    

Surface water and ground water are interacting elements of a watershed. Knowing about ground water is essential to water balance and helps to better assess the economic and environmental framework of the Niger River watershed. In the first phase of the “Support to Ground Water” project, BGR will, in collaboration with NBA and National Focal Structures (NFSs), implement activities on the sustainable management of transboundry aquifers.

Documents du PLCE
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Les rapports produits par le Programme de Lutte contre l'Ensablement dans le Bassin du Niger:

- Le Schéma Directeur Régional

- Les annexes au Schéma Directeur Régional

- Synthèse du Schéma Directeur Régional


- La Stratégie de communication


Les autres rapports sont disponibles Ă  travers le serveur ftp de l'ABN:

- Etude Environnementales et Sociales Stratégique du Programme Intégré de Developpement et d'Adaptation aux Changements Climatiques dans le Bassin du Niger (PIDACC/BN) (Francais / Anglais);

- Rapport de bilan diagnostic National avec les annexes ( Bénin; Burkina Faso; Cameroun; Cote d'Ivoire; Guinée; Mali; Niger; Nigeria; Tchad)

- Rapports des Schémas Directeurs Nationaux et les annexes ( Bénin; Burkina Faso; Cameroun; Cote d'Ivoire; Guinée; Mali; Niger; Nigeria; Tchad)

- Capitalisation des expériences de la premières phase (2005 - 2010)

- Rapport RĂ©gional de capitalisation

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Projet Appui ABN - GIZ
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La Coopération Allemande au Développement appuie l’ABN depuis 2007 dans le renforcement des capacités au niveau organisationnel et institutionnel. Le volume total planifier est de 7,5 millions d’EUR. L’ABN a ainsi pu développer, avec l’aide entre autre de la GIZ, la Charte de l’Eau qui a depuis été approuvée par l’ensemble des Etats membres. Elle dispose également depuis le dernier Conseil des Ministres (septembre 2011), d’une annexe environnementale. Le projet « Appui à l’ABN » est organisé de manière transversale en appuyant de façon structurante l’ABN et en intervenant en collaboration dans d’autres projets et programmes de la coopération internationale technique et financière.

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